For those of you using the Open Space approach to run self-organizing conferences, I created a set of fun cartoons to illustrate its four guiding principles and “law of two feet”.
The drawings are vector-based, so you can print them as big as you want. At the formidable Agile Coach Camp Italy 2011, we printed them on posters and decorated the walls of each room.
Pingback: Agilesensei published his Open Space cartoons « Agile Coach Camp Italy 2011
Thank you Claudio for publicly sharing these cartoons. They are both amazing, and very useful.
Read: Open Space Cartoons | Claudio Perrone’s Monologues:
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Cool cartoons for open spaces, by @agilesensei The law of two feet + four guiding principles
Nice! "@XavierVerges: Cool cartoons for open spaces, by @agilesensei The law of two feet + four guiding principles"
Fantastic ! Open Space Cartoons by @agilesensei #accus